Thursday, November 27, 2008

Question of the week

What is your biggest dating pet peeve?


Razigan said...

Obviously cellphone.

Violet said...

Definitely the disappearance. When, for whatever reason, the other party just stops calling, makes up excuses not to get together, or just stops returning calls, as if we are just too delicate to handle rejection.

Scarlet said...

A guy talking excessively while on a date but Razigan beat me to it.

My second biggest dating peeve is when a guy expects me to wait around for him to call. Why is it so surprising that I've already had dinner when you call me after 8pm?

Razigan said...

Yes, I would definitely do, If u had mean excessive chatting.

But I will not, If the guy is Boasting..... Anyway, Some amount of flirting is allowed on both the sides.........

Scarlet said...

Haha...sorry I meant to say talking excessively on a cellphone...that's why I said Razigan beat me to it.

I actually prefer my dates to be responsive.