- Make out with the best man- Never done it, as I have been to shockingly few weddings, and had a long-term boyfriend with me at the ones I have been to. I do have a wedding coming up this year, though. I'll be sure to pack the breath fresheners.
- Karaoke- Has been on my "to do" list for awhile. I'll probably need more than one cosmo before the fact.
- Scuba dive- No. Uh-uh. This is going to sound weird, but I'm afraid of fish. Therapy may have to be involved before I do this one.
- Remove it- We're talking about hair here, and as soon as I have a spare couple of thousands of dollars, I'm taking it to the derm, who will finally get rid of all that unwanted body hair. Free at last!
- Rent the classics- I just checked out Breakfast at Tiffany's from the library the other day, a friend and I took in Roman Holiday at an old movie theather, and the ex-IB and I discovered together that we both love Casablanca but hate A Streetcar Named Desire. Excellent start.
- Accentuate the positive- The author and I are on the same page with this one, and I think it's especially true now when so many of us don't have a job. She hits the nail on the head by asking, "It nothing good is happening in your life, then whose fault is that?" (In case you're wondering, the answer is you.)
- Go to Paris- Ah, Paris. Easily one of my favorite cities in the world. Yes, I have been there before, but with my mother. While we had a fantastic time, I do hope to go back one day with a lov-ah. Or at least find a lov-ah while I'm there.
- Master a mass-transit system, but know how to hail a taxi- In my opinion, this one is big. I know I'm not the norm, but I've used dozens of public transit systems around the world. I know I can fly to any city in the world, and get to my destination all by myself, and if that destination is English-speaking? Cake! Even if you're not a globe-trekker, it's so much easier to visit that friend in the city and be able to take off on your own, rather than rely on him/her to play tour guide.
- Vibrate- Sex toy parties are all the rage, so this one shouldn't be too tricky to accomplish.
- Boycott February 14- Yes! Another member of the revolution!
- Kiss the Frogs- Yes, we're all looking for Prince Charming, but in order to do so? You've got to kiss some frogs first. And have fun doing it.
- Go to a movie alone- I do this one all the time. I don't find too many things more annoying than someone talking to me while I'm in a movie theater, so going alone is perfect. It's especially great on a weekday afternoon; there are usually only 3-4 other people in the theater, and they are most likely alone too.
- Lose gracefully- This is a tough one. If I took a Friends personality test, I would most likely be Monica (although I don't clean and organize obsessively). I am ultra-competitive, from mini-golf to bowling to Scrabble.
- Sleep under the stars- Repeat after me: Sleeping in an RV (or anything with stairs) is not camping.
- Have a male friend- Ah, yes. We recently asked if this was possible in a recent Question of the Week, and while the author does admit it can be tricky, she also points out that there are always exceptions.
- Learn to tango- I took a few tango lessons in Argentina (because I go straight to the source!), but this is one dance I really want to master. It's just so damn sexy.
- Go somewhere that makes people scratch their heads- I've done this one over and over, and I highly recommend it. I started young, as our family rarely ever just went on a "beach" vacation, but traveled all over the country, just going to new places (with tent and other camping equipment in tow). Then, while I was in high school, we went to Iceland over the Thanksgiving holiday, which really had people scratching their heads. And look at the trend we started! Iceland is THE hot European destination these days.
- Figure out what you want to be when you grow up- Good luck with this one.
So what's on your list of things to do before you turn 40? Or your Bucket List for that matter.
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