No, The Highlander didn't kill a spider last night, but two things happened to send his stock soaring.
1. He got a kitten. A beyond adorable itty bitty kitty. A kitten with extra toes so that his front paws look like little mittens. He loves me already. (The cat, not The Highlander.)
2. He got out his guitar. I knew The Highlander could play, and he has two guitars on display in his grown-ups apartment, but last night was the first time he actually played something for me. And it was stuff he had written. And better yet, it didn't suck. Men with guitars are hot. It was all I could do not to jump him right then and there, but I did manage to restrain myself.
When we finally did commence with the post-guitar playing make-out session, I was trying to figure out how to very discreetly unbutton the top buttons to my shirt, since obviously undoing them would damage my cool, aloof, ice queen status. (And believe me, I have the ice queen thing working in my favor right now. I will not relinquish power!) Apparently thinking hard enough about it was all I needed, because it wasn't long before I realized that they had magically opened. If he had any kind of hand in this, then he must be like Joey on Friends, when he opened up Phoebe's shirt without ripping off any of the buttons.
And just like that The Highlander is a serious contender yet again.
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