From Fenella:
Last night I went to a charity ABBA tribute band concert...on a Friday night...with my dad. Now, I like charitable causes, I like ABBA and I love my dad, but it was Friday night! Sitting there doing the 'Swedish finger dance' and watching a group of drunk thiry-something women make complete fools of themselves singing along to 'Mamma Mia' I began to take stock of what has become of my social life.
I don't have one. I did used to have a social life, I really did. There were times where I stayed out til the small hours of the morning, where my social calender was full up and where I looked forward to having a quiet night in after a week of social engagments. But now, all my evenings seem to be quiet nights in, or charity functions with my parents.
Delving deeper into this analysis during 'Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight)' (yes please!) I had the shock realisation that after moving back home to live with my parents we have a routine. A routine. For example, Friday nights are risotto nights, Sunday nights are roast dinner nights, Monday night is when we watch 2 particular programmes on TV. What's worse, I've found that I like this routine and don't particulary like it if it gets disrupted.
And as for a dating life? Well, what dating life? 'Does Your Mother Know?' is the least applicable ABBA song for my life because I'm never out. And if I am, it's with my mother.
As they began the finale of 'Dancing Queen' and the group of drunk thirty-something women decided to try and storm the stage (I wish I was joking) I realised that something has to be done. Mainly, me moving out but until I get a job that's not going to happen so maybe I should just indulge the routine a little longer...
Tonight we're having the risotto because we didn't have it last night. And the live shows of The X-Factor start tonight (one of Simon Cowell's creations) so I'm set for Saturday night. There's no ABBA song to describe this so I'm going to have to switch to The Beatles: 'Help!'.
Sadly, I know about this all too well. We had a Thursday night Grey's Anatomy routine, and I distinctly remember squirming in my seat when McSteamy broke his penis on Lexie. But trust me, you will get a job (Screw the recession!), move out, and your social life will be happening once again.
This is a big fear of mine with my impending graduation date. My goal is to never, ever move back home for instances such as this (no offense). At least you're going to charity events, my parents would want me to go to Friday night dances with them. Gah!
Don't worry, I'm not offending! Keep the fear! The fear is healthy and will prevent you from going to ABBA concerts and Friday night dances!
Ah, yes, Friday night dances. I remember being invited to one of those with the promise from Mom that "Dad will dance with you." I politely declined the invitation.
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