This weekend I had my first two meetings with the Dark Horse after I was sure it was all over. I wasn't entirely sure how things were going to go, and as a result, I was a bit skittish on Saturday, which he was observant enough to notice. I'm not entirely sure why. I essentially gave the man an ultimatum. He came through rather quickly, even though I told him exactly how I felt and what I wanted. That alone speaks volumes.
Eventually, I got over my skittishness and things returned to normal, only better. Better because we actually established that we are in fact dating and are not friends with benefits or in an imaginary relationship. (Of course, if it drags out long enough we could end up in an imaginary one, but I'll worry about that if we get there.) We also talked about squeezing in more time to see each other, including weekdays (but after bedtime), which made me quite happy.
He also said three things to me that made me like him even more:
1. On Saturday, he told me I looked pretty. This in of itself is not unusual, he tells me that all the time, but when he told me that on Saturday, I was dressed to play softball and wearing a baseball hat.
2. He said the massive surgical scar on my stomach was cute. Anyone who likes your flaws is a keeper.
3. Apparently I look sexy in a sports bra.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner. I mean, I put thought into what clothes I put on (at least when other humans are around) and understand the value of mascara, but when a guy compliments you on things like this, it's pretty awesome.
Even so, while out with the girls on Saturday night (plans for our Misery Summit were set in motion before DH called on Thursday), I gave my number out to a young fellow who asked for it. Not because I really care if he calls or not, but because a little competition never hurt anyone. According to The 4-Man Plan (see Books to Help You Survive your Singletonhood, left), you should juggle at least 4 men until you make one your 3.75 man (because no man is perfect). And because as we learned last weekend, anything can happen. And does.
I am very pleased about all of these developments!
I really need to get myself a copy of the four man plan!
Everyone needs a copy of the Four Man Plan! In fact, I should really check out the library to refresh myself on the Plan...
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