I promised I would keep you all posted on the 'date' with WW.
He emailed me on Friday to let me know that he had booked the cinema tickets. At the cinema in Leicester Square. Now, this particular cinema at Leicester Square is THE cinema. If you see premieres in the UK, they're outside this cinema. Tickets aren't cheap. All the people I was out with on Friday made a big deal of this. So let's just say that I was pretty nervous on my way to meet him.
However, I managed to overcome the nerves and we went for a wander before the film, then went in to watch the film. At this point I need to digress and make a few observations / comments:
1. I didn't really get all the fuss about Avatar.
2. Whoever designed 3D glasses was clearly looking at photos of NASA scientists from the 1960s when they did so.
3. Children should NOT be allowed in the cinema if they are going to repeatedly kick the back of someone's chair. Especially if that someone is me.
Perhaps I didn't find Avatar very enjoyable as I was constantly thinking about the whole WW situation. I think it's good advice to not go see a film you really want to see if you're on a date. You'll get distracted.
After the film (another digression, is there not something disconcerting about going into the cinema when it's light and coming out when it's dark?) we went for a walk around Chinatown. I had my arm linked through his. That turned into hand holding, which I figured was a good sign. We went for a drink (NB: he was quite hungover from Saturday night. So hungover that he didn't actually have any alcohol and I should probably be a little impressed he made it out at all considering his friend who he was out drinking with was still in bed.) and then we headed back.
We needed to get the same underground line home but his stop was two before mine. As we approached his stop we kissed goodbye. I made a comment that went something like: "why do we only do this at the end of the evening?" Was this a bad thing to say? My friend seems quite surprised I said it. I didn't say it in an accusatory tone. It was light-hearted. And a valid point in my opinion! He thought about it and replied with: "hmmmm...I don't know." Then he had to get off the train.
So that was my evening. Not quite sure where I stand. I think the signs are good but it's all moving quite slowly. I'm not used to slow. I'm used to either university relationships which frankly have their own set of rules or the relationship with Fergus which moved ridiculously quickly. So is this casual dating? If it is, I don't like it. I hate uncertainty. What do we think? I don't know when I'll see him next. He's away this coming weekend. Basically, although I'm pleased that non-platonic stuff happened I still feel unsure about what's going on.
I'm over thinking this aren't I?
Yes, this is dating. In the early stages, (and many later stages, come to think of it) it's nothing but uncertainty and unanswered questions. If you like the guy, it will definitely move more slowly than you want it to. Sorry about that. I currently have a book on my nightstand called, "Dating Makes You Want to Die: But you have to do it anyway." Welcome to the club!
Yes, you're overthinking it. But that's what we DO. Hell, if we didn't overthink these things, this would be a blog about nothing.
And finally, I thought about your statement that seeing a movie isn't a good date activity because you're preoccupied with the date, and I realized that The Highlander and I went to a movie on our second date. Only I had no problem following along. Now, I haven't seen "Avatar," but I'm assuming that the plot is a bit more complex than that of "The Hangover." Or, it could be that I just wasn't that into my date. Or maybe a combination of both.
I need to read this book.
Yep, sounds like a date to me. And that also reminds me that dating suuuuucks. Hmmm if only a matchmaker would tell us who to marry so we could do away with dating shenanigans!
Don't spend your money on the book yet. I'll post a review if I ever get around to finishing it. (But I wasn't impressed with Chapter 1.) It's possible that everything worth reading was said in the title.
@Grayer: There are matchmakers out there, you know. For a price, they will make you a match! Don't think they're in our current budgets, however :(
My Indian friend offered to have her parents arrange a marriage for me...I hope it doesn't come to that...
And yes, that was a date. I know it is hard, but be patient.
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