Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mr. Darcy didn't text

Ever since my date on Friday night with Popcorn Man, he has contacted me daily- via text message. Early Saturday afternoon, he texted me to tell me how much fun he had on Friday night. Ok, no problem. It's kind of nice to know when you were on top of your game. Later that evening, he texted to ask what I had going on that night. I really, really didn't want to go out, and it was nothing against him. It was just that I had gone out each of the last three nights, and that included New Year's Eve, and that last vodka and cranberry was a mistake. All I wanted was to spend an evening on the couch with Mr. Darcy, and I didn't even want company. So I told him it was "movie night," which he interpreted to mean that I was going out to the movies, and told me to "have fun at the movies."

Sunday: He texted me to ask how the movie was and what did I see?

Monday: "How's your day going?" I told him it was going "great" (which is was) and asked about his. He said it was ok, but still going. Then, in a separate text, he told me that he gets off work at 8. I'm not sure if I was supposed to suggest that we get together then, but I didn't. I had work to do that night anyway, and it shouldn't be my job.

Tuesday: I thought maybe he had given up, and even said so to my roommate. Spoke too soon, though, as he sent me a text in the evening asking me "How's your week going?" Not very original. Still, I felt obliged to respond, and apparently one of my responses was witty, because he included the acronym LMFAO (which a quick google search told me stands for "laughing my fucking ass off"). I consulted Fenella who told me that anyone who uses that acronym is a definite NO and that as a rule, if I have to google it, I should just cross them off my list.

It is now 10:05 on Wednesday, and so far, no text. I'm getting a bit tired of the texting game. If you want to go out again, man up and call. If not, don't bother texting. In the meantime, I'm losing interest.


Violet said...

No text yesterday, but I did get one this afternoon. When can I stop responding?

Scarlet said...

I guess it depends on if you WANT to see him again. He asked you out the first time (and less than 24 hours after getting your number). Maybe he is waiting for you to make the next move.