Monday, February 15, 2010

Guys from work = NO!

A couple weeks ago I was out with work people. I went up to the bar and got talking to a guy who works for the same organisation as I do but in our other office. Half an hour later two of my friends come up to me, all drunkenly dramatic demanding where I had been, they had been looking everywhere for me. I asked them where they had looked. Answer? The toilets. Oh what I reputation I must have.

We returned to our group of people and continued chatting and exchanged numbers. I didn't think much of it because although he's tall, funny and Australian (check, check and check) physically I'm not really attracted to him and as shallow as it may be you need to be physically attracted to a person, at least a little bit. But the next day, to my surprise, my phone bleeped with a text message that wasn't from my mother. It was from Max From The Media Team (MFTMT). After text chatting for a bit he asked if I wanted to meet up at some point. Hmmmm...

I thought about it. Now normally I wouldn't get involved with a guy from work because it could get messy but I reasoned that 1.) he's leaving the organisation in a few weeks 2.) he works in the other office and 3.) he has seen the movie Sixteen Candles. And although I'm not physically attracted to him I had fun chatting with him and I haven't been on many dates so it could be good practice. So I said yes, we decided on a day and he said he would contact me closer to the time to finalise details.

However, we're supposed to be meeting tomorrow and I've heard nothing. I checked the text he sent me, he said he would contact me. Humph. I spoke to him on the phone last week at work so I would've thought that would have reminded him. Then today I answered someone else's phone and it was him. So the day before we're supposed to meet he spoke to me. Therefore, I would say there is really no excuse for not remembering about pre-arranged plans.

How humiliating. A guy that I'm not really interested in isn't contacting me. Oh dear. Get the violins out ladies.

NB: I am fully aware there is still time for him to contact me. But he's cutting it a bit fine. We'll see.


Violet said...

Yes, there is still time for him to call you, but before you think you don't find him attractive, remember this: John Boy. At first, I wasn't at all attracted to him, but the more I hung out with him, the more I was. Until he disappeared, anyway. It's still an important lesson. And yes, there is still time for him to call!

Grayer said...

I want an update! Did it happen?!

Fenella said...

Update: he text me at 5.30pm on the day we were supposed to meet. He apologised for not getting in contact sooner, he's been swamped but he'll be working out of the same office as me next week so maybe we could grab lunch?

Lunch? Not very date-like is it? I said yes anyway. Can't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that...