Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rejection Adjectives

I am no longer a cool aloof ice queen. You may remember my discovery that WW is just not that into me. However, was I smart enough to leave it at that? That would be a no.

I blame wine and technology.

I was out with friends on Friday night. After a bottle (or two) of wine we got discussing WW and the men in our lives. My friend decided that I needed closure. I have no idea why I agreed with her. I guess I just had that scene from Friends stuck in my mind where Rachel leaves Ross a voicemail: "and that my friend is what they call closure." I've always kinda wanted to do that.

Now my drunken self should have been prevented from making a fool out of myself because I had smartly deleted his number from my phone. But my drunken self can be quite canny. I remembered that his number was saved in a Facebook email. And this is where technology is evil. Thanks to the progression of cell phones that were once the size of bricks to fancy new cell phones that can access the world wide web with a touch of a few buttons, well, you can figure out the rest.

His phone number once again installed in my phone I proceeded to text him. Even at this stage it could have ended relatively painless as the first couple of texts were innocent and friendly enough. Then I ruined it.

I said something along the lines of: "Just so you know I don't make a habit of kissing my guys friends...I kind of like you...thoughts?" I have deleted the messages so I'm relying on memory here. I'm sure that you've guessed by now that my drunken text didn't work out like Violet's.

Picture the scene. It's 11.30 on a Friday night. I'm in McDonalds because I decided that I really needed a burger. Burger in one hand, phone in the other I read a text message that went something along the lines of:

"Wow, big question! I know we kissed both times we met're nice but...sorry that's just how I feel."

I'm nice?! This is one of the worst rejection adjectives. Ever. If you're going to hear: "You're _____________ (insert adjective) but..." you don't want nice.

Maybe it's just me. After all why should the choice of rejection adjective matter? But I think it does. If I'm going to get rejected at least let me maintain a little bit of my dignity with a decent adjective.

So what do we think are 'good' rejection adjectives?

And once again ladies I urge you to not drink and text or dial. One of these days I will practice what I preach.


Violet said...

The only reason I "got lucky" (in more ways than one, wink wink :P) with my drunk text is because it had nothing to do with feelings and solely to do with pure physicality- which is the only thing the Dark Horse and I have going for us. Had I drunk-texted him something about missing him or something like that, it would have been an utter disaster. Which is how I know that I really don't feel that way, as drunk me is very honest me.

As far as rejection adjectives go, "great" is the worst one in my book. "You're really great, but..." is the kiss of death. And sadly, I've heard it more than once.

Grayer said...

Oh Fen. Tsk tsk. You had been doing so well being aloof with Welsh Willy. Damn that wine/facebook!

Agreed I would not want to be called "nice" either. Grannies are nice.

Fenella said...

I know, I was so proud of myself for remaining aloof! Still, it's the best I've done and it shows that I can do it, I just have to remember that wine and FB do not mix. Ever.