Let's face it. WWBD? is a work of genius. It is only a matter of time before some literary agent discovers us- dating disasters, imaginary boyfriend, drunk dials, and all. Obviously we will all be flown to LA where the four of us shall all meet each other (apart from Vi who has met everyone!) and pour over our entries, deciding what ones need to go into THE BOOK: 'What do you do with your arms?'
After taking the difficult decision to go public with our true identities we will go on a whirlwind press tour promoting what the New York Times and Oprah is sure to call: "the greatest book of our time". The book shoots to the top of the bestseller list and remains there even with competition from JK Rowling who writes an 8th Harry Potter book solely to try and get rid of us.
Where there is a bestselling book there has to be a best-selling movie. And, just to complete the dream, Violet, Scarlet, Grayer and Fenella win the Oscar for 'best original screenplay.' (Oh and I meet Chris Pine during our whirlwind publicity tour. Obviously he falls head over heels in love with me).
Now ladies we need some casting! Suggestions so far include:
Violet - Anne Hathaway
Fenella - Amy Adams (love her but she might be a bit old to portray a 23 year old...)
Grayer - ?
Scarlet - ?
The Dark Horse - ?
Conrad - ?
And may I suggest, if you are incredibly bored at work (which in case you can't tell, I normally am!) daydream about your wardrobe for the press tour and award shows. It's fun.
Wow, I'm really excited about the 8th Harry Potter book!
Like I told Fen earlier, it's not so important that these people look like us, but that they capture our spirit. That being said, Rachel McAdams has the role of Grayer all wrapped up. And I think the guy from Burn Notice has something very Dark Horsish about him.
Rachel McAdams? ok. I was thinking Ryan Gosling for Conrad, not just because i have a Ryan fantasy either, they'd actually look similar (not that Conrad is nearly that hot). As long as Ryan can play smart, southern and quirky.
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