Something huge has happened. Something that has never happened before. History has been made. It's a very important day indeed. Someone on this blog has an ACTUAL BOYFRIEND. And that someone is ME.
Yes, that's right. I, Violet J. Bickerstaff, have an actual boyfriend. Not imaginary, not fake, not pseoudo, not potential, but an ACTUAL BOYFRIEND. Like the Curse of the Bambino or the goat, I was beginning to think there was a WWBD? curse. But fear not, ladies, there is hope!
I knew I had to have the conversation last night. The biggest reason being that Fenella threatened not to speak to me until I did. And I'm going out of town this weekend (family bonding at DisneyWorld. w00t.) so it would be nice to have that settled before I take off.
Since I hate to ask important questions and have important conversations, I like to sit back and wait for The Conversation to come up naturally. And naturally, it never does. Except this time. I was given an absolute gift by a friend of the cute neighbor's whom I've never met before. While we were on my porch waiting for our burgers to grill, he received a text from this friend he hasn't heard from in awhile. It went something like this: "I hear you have a gf? Violet?"
Interesting. Word has clearly spread. Someone has been saying he has a girlfriend, and they know my name. And still, I couldn't come right out and ask if that was true immediately. In my defense, I hesitated to take a deep breath, and he launched into a story about the text messaging friend, and then it was time to get our burgers off the grill. You know how it goes.
Eventually though, I decided to rip off the band-aid. I took another deep breath, and asked him if he did in fact, have a gf. He thought about it for about two seconds and said, "yes, I would consider that to be the case." So I have a boyfriend. End of story.
I texted Grayer later and said, "have an actual boyfriend. You know what to do." The response: "Ok you got it." G and I have a long standing agreement that whenever one of us has an actual boyfriend, the other one will tell our parents. (Seriously, no idea how we got this screwed up.) Of course, we made this agreement a long time ago, and this is the first time we've ever had to use it. It took her all of three minutes before she sent another text back (since she's already in FL with the parentals) which said, "They said good for her." Which is exactly the reaction I was expecting. Ok, that or "Well that's nice" which is my mom's response to almost everything of this nature.
Now the cute neighbor needs a new name. I suggest Lloyd. Thoughts?
I'm so glad this is finally sorted, I didn't want to boycott emailing you!
Might I just offer my heartfelt congratulations that you and Lloyd (very similar to an actual name of someone you know btw...)are now an ACTUAL couple!!
Oh and one more thing, but I just can't think of it...oh yes!
I. Told. You. So.
I don't know Vi, this may deserve a celebratory cake of some sort, for it is not often (i.e. never) that one of us has an ACTUAL boyfriend. We have, afterall, had that "you tell the parentals when I get a boyfriend" agreement for 2 years maybe?? Obviously I was too excited to slip it into casual so I made a "family announcement" to which they did respond "well, good for her." But it was shortly followed by questions about the man in question, which I answered by introducing them to a little thing called Facebook stalking.
After they were satisfied with the pictures of the Cute Neighbor I was able to find (Thanks Fen!) Mom then turned it around on me. "So how is your love life?" Mom, that is one mess you do not need to know about.
You're welcome! I'm so glad my photos have come in useful!
Uh oh...parents and FB stalking? Careful, my mom is hooked...
You introduced the parentals to facebook stalking? What kind of sister are you? Oh, right. One who tells the parentals about my relationship situation so that I don't have to. Thanks, by the way.
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