Friday, July 2, 2010

(Lack of) Birthday Booty

I know I haven't blogged in awhile. It's just been a bit quiet here in London town. I foresee a dry spell in Fen's love life coming up...

Which could not come at a worse time. For in a few weeks it will be my birthday (24 if anyone is curious. I've been told 24 is a good year so I'm pretty excited). However, Grayer has recently brought up the issue of Birthday Booty. A novel concept to me considering my previous 5 birthdays went as follows:

23rd birthday: was very hungover, had lunch with my parents, brother and his girlfriend's family. Not my choice.
22nd: spent in Peru (had lunch with Vi!) Fergus cancelled our plans because a girl got stabbed in Belize (long story).
21st birthday: spent in Italy being an au pair type for an Italian family, no hot Italian men around
20th birthday: two days before my grandad's funeral
19th birthday: my brother went into hospital with a collapsed lung.

What do all of the above have in common? No birthday booty. And possibly a bit of a birthday curse? It would be nice to get my 24th year off to a good start but I've no prospects so I don't think it's going to happen. So Vi and Grayer have said that I should just get drunk. Except my birthday is on a Monday this year so it would have to be the Friday before. I wasn't sure if that would count.

According to Vi, it counts.


Grayer said...

Wow. Your past several birthdays have all kind of sucked. It can only get better. No worries, things were NOT looking good for my potential at birthday booty either! (That's why we suggested you drink...)

Violet said...

Oh, Fen. Birthday booty is something that can't be stressed about. And you had lunch with me on one of those birthdays. Was it that bad? Remember, you can always come to Atlanta for your birthday. I think there's someone here who will be happy to give you that birthday booty... ;)

Fenella said...

You joke but it might just come to that. Not that it would be a big sacrifice on my part...

Lunch with you was lovely! And I'm not stressing about it. It would just be nice is all.