Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bring on the Turkey

The cute neighbor and I have survived our first major holiday together.

Things got off to a rocky start, as we found ourselves pulling off the highway nervously after hearing an ominous noise coming from my car not quite halfway into the trip. Sure enough, my car was broken and couldn't be fixed until the next day at the earliest. This is why God created rental cars, and we drove the rest of the way in a rented Nissan (rental car and all repairs were paid for by my normal mechanic who made a whopper of a mistake the previous day) and picked my car up on the way home.

Everything else went about as well as it could have, despite some potential awkwardness. First, the cute neighbor's grandma asked (while on speaker phone) if he and his brothers were planning on "having a triple wedding or something" since all of them are currently dating someone. Then, during the holiday game of pass the phone around, the cute neighbor's dad handed me the phone not once but TWICE to talk to his aunt and the aforementioned grandma respectively, who were both anxious to talk to the cute neighbor's "friend."

His mom had lots of little cute neighbor stories to tell me and I somehow managed to beat everyone in poker, although I'm still not sure how or why. (I don't really know how to play poker.) Things went so well, that I told him he was welcome to spend Christmas with my family, (obviously know he won't) despite my hesitations on inviting someone into the family circle.

Which reminds me: I really, really need to go ahead an book a flight home for Christmas...

1 comment:

Wannabe Writer said...

Congrats on the successful holiday! If you can survive time with the families, you can survive almost anything.