Thursday, January 20, 2011

January Blues

I very much dislike January.

It's cold. It's wet. It gets dark at around 4pm and it is the month of blah. It is also the month when all the Christmas and festive cheer disappears as quickly as it appeared and my credit card bill suddenly appears to be HUGE. Ugh.

So I have decided that I am officially suffering from the January Blues. It's a scientifically proved illness. Fact. On Tuesday I was having a Bad Day. Then it turned out that Vi was also having a Bad Day. So was Vi's roommate. Therefore, January 18th is now officially: The Bad Day. Fact.

That really is the whole point of this post. I was going to write all about bridesmaid dress shopping but I was feeling blah and couldn't be bothered. Because it's January.


Violet said...

January is a terrible month. I am constantly thinking a week ahead, and am currently thinking it MUST be February already, but no, it's STILL January. FOR ANOTHER WEEK!!!

In an attempt to brighten things up, I wore colorfully striped tights to work today, as a nice departure from the dull, dark, winter wardrobe. I really think it worked. In fact, I may pull out my other colorful tights and rainbow striped thigh-highs and see how I can work them into my wardrobe. It's worth a shot.

Grayer said...

I haaaaaate January. I'm sick of getting a blizzard every week. I'm sick of wearing my snow boots. I'm sick of my nostrils freezing. I thought I did well and made plans for January so it wouldn't be so bad, and it wasn't. But now February is right around the corner and I don't have any plans. I haaaaate February.