Saturday, May 28, 2011


I was sitting in my living room this afternoon, enjoying the weekend, when all of a sudden my roommate says to me: "I found out something about you this week."

Uh-oh. I try and act casual.

"Oh yeah?" says I. "What?"

He chuckles. I get nervous. He chuckles again. I get more nervous. Trying to sound nonchalant I announce that the guy that played Kenickie in Grease died. He's still chuckling. Finally, he speaks.

"Where do you put your hands?" Huh? Where do I put my hands? I try and think of an incident where perhaps I touched raw chicken and then chopped some vegetables without washing my hands. I quickly pushed that scenario out of mind as I reminded myself that I don't cook.

"Or what was it? WWBD?" Shit.

As the realisation dawns on me that my roommate has discovered WWBD? I frantically think of any blog posts I may have written that include him in them. I don't think there are any. My second immediate concern is that he might have come across it by googling me. He didn't. Whew. There are a lot of people I don't want reading this.

He found it because he glanced at my computer once and saw the title. He likes blogs so googled it, only to discover the truth. He's promised not to tell anyone and he's also said he won't read it any more (I have my doubts about that one). I don't mind that much, it's just a bit strange him knowing about it.

I decided to blog about the incident so asked my roommate to choose his pseudonym. He's decided on Rufus.

And as I told Rufus, he needs to at least get it right. It's what do you do with your arms.

1 comment:

Violet said...

I like how you immediately start panicking as soon as he says he knows something about you. What else are you hiding, Fen? ;)That post was quite awhile ago. He really went digging!