Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Fenella!

It's your birthday Fen! We are very, very excited that you were born, so let's all eat cake!

This isn't just any birthday though. Today, you're a quarter of a century old! Today, you could call your insurance agent to get a lower rate on your car insurance if you owned a vehicle and lived in the U.S. Today you officially embark upon the 2nd half of your twenties! And everyone knows that the second half is the best half! In honor of the occasion, I've written you a poem (actually, I should use the progressive tense and say that I'm writing you a poem, as I'm making it up as I go along).

Today is the 26th of July
You should be on a sugar high
Even though you can't bake
Eat lots of cake
On your birthday it won't go to your thigh(s)!

See? Pure, spontaneous genius. I bet you no one else will write you a limerick for your birthday! Have an absolutely wonderful, fabulous, happy, happy day!


Fenella said...

I can bake! Kind of. Sort of. Not really.

Grayer said...

Happy Birthday Fen! Hope it was grand!