Thursday, March 8, 2012

In honor of International Women's Day today, I thought it would be the perfect time to get a few things off my chest. 

What the hell is going on, America? Seriously, I've only been gone for 6 months, but all of a sudden we seem to have turned back the clocks. It's as if women's lib never happened and we've gone back to being nothing more than baby-making machines. It kind of pisses me off. 

Where to start? How about with quite possibly the biggest Douche Bag on the planet, Rush Limbaugh. All poor Sandra Fluke, a 30-year-old law student wanted to do was exercise her democratic right to go before Congress and speak about the need to include contraception, including hormonal birth control and IUDs, as part of the new health care coverage. And what did she get for this? Rush Limbaugh, on national radio, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute." For three straight days. Apparently, he didn't get enough national attention for doing it the first time, so he went back on his show the next two days and escalated his misogynistic and outrageous claims until he was so far over the line, as Joey Tribiani would say, the line was a dot to him.

 First, he showed his extreme ignorance by proclaiming that Fluke must be having so much sex she couldn't afford to buy all the birth control. Rush clearly doesn't understand how birth control works. You take one pill a day no matter how much sex you're having. You don't pop a pill every time you have sex. One a day, whether you're having sex 8 times or no times that day. He is clearly confusing birth control with Viagra, a product I have no doubt is necessary for him in order to get it up. Although I highly doubt he can even convince his 4th wife to have sex with him.

And when that didn't get him the attention he felt he needed, he went ahead and said that if the taxpayers were going to be paying for feminazis (because wanting equal rights is at the same level as a political party responsible for the mass slaughter of millions?) to have sex, they needed to get something out of it. And what would that something be? For her to post a sex tape so everyone could benefit. Rush Limbaugh, you are a disgusting, sick, pathetic excuse for a human being. 

At last count, twelve of his sponsors have backed out. Only 12?! And how did the politicians react to this? Did they condemn him? Speak out that he was wrong? Mitt Romney said only that those were not the words he would have used. Really, Mitt? You would have used other words to call her a slut and a prostitute? How many other words are there? You can't stand up to a worthless radio buffoon, but you think you can run this country? You are spineless and pathetic. President Obama on the other hand, is a very smart man, and called Fluke personally to offer his support. Note to Republicans: Women can vote now. Don't piss us off. 

Then there's the trend of government sanctioned rape sweeping across the country. The governor of Virginia, who, until this whole debacle was expected to be a favorite for a vice-presidential run, signed a law requiring any woman who wanted an abortion to undergo an ultrasound by way of vaginal probe. Despite what some people may think, getting an abortion is not something that women take lightly. I can only imagine what a traumatic decision it can be, and then to have to go through that? And what about women who require an abortion as a result of rape? The government is going to require them to go through that again? For shame. (Of course, I already wrote about the hypocrisy of the right wing.)

The good news is, women seem to be fighting back. In Oklahoma, state senator Judy Eason McIntyre held the sign you see above in order to protest Oklahoma's Personhood bill. That's right, an elected official allowed herself to be photographed (proudly, and smiling) with this sign. I love her. I want to vote for her. Her colleague, Democratic Senator Constance Johnson, attempted to attach a provision to the Personhood bill that would make it illegal for any man to ejaculate anywhere other than a woman's vagina. I also want to vote for her. 

In Ohio, state senator Nina Turner introduced a bill requiring men to undergo full rectal exams in order to get  a prescription for Viagra. Of course, as most of the men voting for these laws require Viagra in order to carry on cheating on their wives, it won't pass. Funny that Viagra is often covered with most health care plans, but birth control isn't. I guess we know who makes these laws. 

Ladies, I'm angry. And you should be too.


Grayer said...

Amen, Sister. I don't know what the hell is going on in the minds of Republican men, but they need to stop the assault on women! Are they forgetting that also have the right to vote? (they need us!) Or do they plan on taking that back too?!

Alex Johnson said...

Well said! I am angry too. It's sort of unbelievable and bemusing, the way this election campaign, in particular, has taken us so far backwards in terms not only of the political decisions being made, but also in terms of the public conversations going on in the media.