I moved over the weekend. Finally, I'm back in my favorite city (also the best city in the country for singletons! Hurrah! Am no longer social pariah to be looked upon with pity!) and also happen to live a mere 10 minutes from my ex-imaginary boyfriend.
I saw him tonight for the first time in over a year. Very happy to report that no old feelings crept up. Instead, I just looked at him like a very, very good friend. It was apparent that we are definitely comfortable with our "just friends" status when, discussing my current unemployed status, he mentioned that I could sell my eggs for literally thousands of dollars. Which led us to the discussion, would you sell your eggs (or in his case, sperm) for thousands of dollars, and have the possibility that you have children out there, somewhere, that you'll never know about? (We stopped before getting to the awkward stage of discussing whether or not he would donate sperm to me if I still didn't have children when the tick tock of my biological clock gets out of control.)
This is the long way of asking WWBD if broke and needed cash and had perfectly good eggs?
P.S. I just want to make it clear that I am NOT that broke. Yet.
I think that Bridget would consider it and maybe get as far as going to the doctor before freaking out and making a dramatic exit.
As for myself, I couldn't see myself getting that desperate...
So apparently, they're willing to pay a cool 6K for eggs. Again, I'm not that broke. Seriously.
No, I don't know that I could donate eggs. At least not in this stage of my life. I mean, that's half a human being. I'm sure there is something hypocritical about this (possibly sexist?) but I also don't think sperm donation is as big of a deal as egg donation. If I were a man, I would probably feel differently, but I also think it has to do with the fact that the process for sperm donation isn't as, er, invasive as egg donation (and takes up less time).
A definite no. As some one who may not be able to reproduce, I wouldn't be giving my eggs away for someone else. And it is very invasive. You have to go through as series of hormone treatments before the harvest. And before all of that you must be picked for it. A girl I work with applied to do this over a year ago and still hasn't been picked yet. Although she is crazy and a little scary looking so I don't know what couple in their right mind would pick her.
Men have it easier, they get paid for a cupful no matter what.
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