Friday, January 1, 2010

Rage? What rage?

Happy 2010!!

I am pleased to start this new decade off to a positive start.

THE RAGE is no more....

A few days before Christmas I checked my old email account to delete all the spam: suggestions that I buy copious amounts of prescription drugs and help out the president of Nigeria if I emailed my bank details, etc. However, there was a name that jumped out at me...


Back in the summer I wrote my second blog entry, entitled THE RAGE. (I can't work out how to post the link to the article, even though Vi told me how...) I explained how debilitating THE RAGE can be and how in order for me to maintain my sanity I had asked Fergus not to contact me. And he hasn't.

But THE RAGE continued so I had to delete him off Facebook...but THE RAGE continued.

So you would think that seeing his name in my inbox wouldn't be a pretty site...but THE RAGE is gone! The only emotion was surprise. Even reading the email was a relatively serene experience. NB: the email wasn't terribly exciting. He just said he hoped I had a nice Christmas, how is my job going, etc. I haven't replied yet but I'll get round to it.

In the meantime...I'M FREE!! Let this show that THE RAGE doesn't last forever. Time heals all. Oh and if you have a messy break-up but you're still friends on Facebook- delete. Delete. Delete.


Violet said...

I linked to it for you. We'll go over it step by step during our next skype :P

Do we have a time frame on THE RAGE? How long can we expect all rages in the future to last? Was it a quarter of the length of the relationship?

Fenella said...

Thanks! You are technologically superior to me :)

OK a time frame...Fergus and I were together for almost a year exactly. THE RAGE started about a month after we broke up and lasted for about 5 months. So by my calculations THE RAGE will last for just under half the total amount of time you were with the person. However, each relationship and break-up is different. And if you cut all contact with your ex immediately after the break-up then I think you could halve the time frame.

Grayer said...

What a good way to start of the new year! You've passed the rage stage and have provided valuable data!

Scarlet said...

Glad to hear you have overcome the RAGE Fen! It gives me hope!