Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop?
-Meredith Grey

Yup. We're grown-ups. I know this because today I took my car in to get an emission inspection and then wrote a check to the county commissioner to renew the tag on my car. (Special thanks to the state of Georgia for requiring all car tags to be renewed on your birthday. What a great birthday gift!) All the while thinking, this is such a grown-up thing to do. It is solely my responsibility to do this. If I don't do it, I will get a ticket. College is not grown-up. In college, my dad would have taken care of that for me.

Don't get me wrong. There are some awesome things about being an adult. Most of them, really. As a kid, I never would have been able to eat half a pint of Ben & Jerry's in the middle of the afternoon, straight out of the carton. I couldn't stay out as late as I wanted or drink tequila or watch any movie I wanted to. And of course there's the sex. We can't forget about that.

But before we get caught up in our Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, orgasmic reverie, a letter arrives in the mail from the county tax commissioner demanding a check so that you can drive to work legally. Or your car insurance. Or the student loans. (And to prove that I have been a grown-up for awhile now, I have officially paid off the entirety of my student loans. All of it! Am officially debt-free. Go ahead. Congratulate me.) And all the decisions that have to be made. Where to live? What to do with your life? It's all so very difficult. And stressful. Very stressful. But that's why we have ice cream. And the sex.


Mrs. Indecisive said...

good for you for becoming debt free! So many people would envy you for your tenacity in completing that!

Violet said...

Thanks! I know a lot of people who make way more money than I do, but are in far more debt. I guess that makes me rich? It's a stretch, but I'll take it!

Fenella said...

I do hate being a grown up sometimes.

The sex does help though.

Wannabe Writer said...

Don't even get me started on the ad valorem tax in GA! Ridiculous!