I'm not all that into resolutions so this could be interesting...
I will...
- Visit Violet
I think I'm off to a flying start! Vi and I were reunited this year for an amazing 10day reunion complete with some McNerdy love, a roadtrip and someone thinking we were lesbians. A++
- Follow 'The Four Man Plan' (sub resolution- read 'The Four Man Plan'. It's on my nightstand).
I have yet to read 'The Four Man Plan' so obviously haven't come close to following it. And am now with the White Horse who probably wouldn't be too happy if I started following it. Before the White Horse I did attempt the whole Mr Right Now thing, with catastrophic results. I don't know who I'm trying to convince here. D
- Embark on some form of exercise, form TBC.
Check! I joined my work softball team. Oh and did I mention I ran a half-marathon this year? A+
- Get up 20 minutes earlier to improve on my current beauty routine of mascara and lipgloss.
Have definitely made an effort with this although this has gone slightly downhill since meeting the White Horse; I sometimes do my make-up in the bathroom in the morning at work. Classy. B-
- Cook (sub resolution- learn how to).
Fail. Fail. Fail. I still don't cook, I still can't be bothered with cooking. Thought I had solved this problem because the White Horse cooks for me except I got a bit of a talking to today about my lack of cooking and his always cooking. Oops. Fail. F
I will not...
- Read too much into the situation with Welsh Willy (or other). Instead will enjoy fun evenings for what they are, rather than hope something more will come of it.
Ah Welsh Willy. How a lot can change in a year. Not really sure on this one as the whole Welsh Willy thing swiftly ended. Um, C?
- Keep telling myself that I'm rubbish at my job and quake inwardly whenever my boss asks me to do something.
Well I got promoted this year so I must be doing something right. A
- Leave my make-up on when I go to bed as results in IES (icky eye syndrome).
Doing much better at this. B+
- Eat toast for dinner (more than twice a week).
Thanks to the White Horse and his cooking skills I'm doing very well at this one. B
- Drunk dial or drunk text. Anyone. Drunk dialing/texting reeks of desperation. Will be cool aloof ice queen instead.
I think I did drunk text Welsh Willy. I think. Let's say C
Final GPA: Haven't got a clue, that's American and I don't know what's a good GPA and what isn't. B+??
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