So here's the thing. I am not a fan of Valentine's Day. I think that it is over- hyped, over-commercialised and over-red. Red is not my colour. I can't even benefit from the boxes of chocolates that go on sale on February 15th because I tend to only like one or two in the box. Apparently I'm a bit of a picky eater.
I am a fan of SAD. It suites me much better.
However, for the first time, I actually have a boyfriend on this auspicious occasion. (I was with Fergus a couple of years ago but on the day itself he was in Scotland. I wasn't). So, and I'm not really ashamed to admit it because I am only human, but I'm not going to be all smug married about it, I want to acknowledge the day in some way.
Here's the dilemma. What? I refuse to go to the ridiculously over priced set menus that restaurants put on. Where they squeeze as many people in as possible and the portions are even too small for me. I don't want to give the greeting card conglomerates even more money and I certainly don't want to buy any ridiculous 'I love you presents.' So to solve the restaurant dilemma the White Horse and I will just stay in and he'll cook. He always cooks so no change there. My dilemma remains what present to get him. If I baked or was remotely artistic I could get creative. But I'm not.
So I think there remains one solution: sock bunnies!!* And maybe I could try and make a card. Or Vi could make one of my behalf? She's very creative.
I still fully agree with SAD. I still hate the commericalism of Valentine's Day.
I just really want to make a sock bunny.
* A 'Friends' reference. But we all knew that right?
Make a sock bunny! Please?
I'll try!
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