Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate that there are people out there who care. It was really very sweet of my co-worker, who has a family of her own and is thus very busy, to offer to take me to a movie this week as a distraction. I was really touched. It was also really nice of The Umpire, whom I haven't heard from in ages, to call me on Wednesday to see how I was doing. Unfortunately, I just happened to be watching The Daily Show on the couch with ice cream and wine. The same co-worker just sent me an email to let me know she was thinking of me and she hopes I'm having a good weekend. I'm really touched that people care, but again, I'm not suicidal.
The two people I would have guessed would be more concerned about the situation, but who haven't said much of anything are my parents. The only question my mom has asked was if we were going to "stay in touch," as if we were penpals. Yes, mom. We're going to remain facebook friends and maybe send each other a Christmas card. When it comes to not prying in her daughters' lives, my mother is an artist. Being interested is not prying, mom!
Anyway, I've been trying to keep myself busy with the cute neighbor gone. I went to the library yesterday to get some movies and fluffy, mindless chick-lit. I really wanted a new Meg Cabot or Sophie Kinsella book, but I had read all of Meg, and the only new Sophie's they had were Shopaholic, and I just can't relate to her. (I find her increasing debt frustrating. I'm a bit too practical with money for that one.) So I just started perusing the shelves for books with dark pink covers and a high heel on the spine. I found one, of course, but after 15 pages or so, I'm a bit annoyed. Chick-lit, when done well, is awesome. When done poorly, it's a bit unbearable.
My attempts to stay busy have also created a new obsession with peaches. A sweet, juicy peach is one of the great things in life, and now that it's high peach season, I want to take advantage of it. Last night I made some peach salsa, and this morning, peach-blueberry smoothies. It looked gross (a bit pukey) but tasted absolutely delicious. Tomorrow I'm thinking peach cobbler. If you have any good peach recipes, please send them to me.
So yes, my boyfriend moved out of town. Yes, I really miss him already. But we're constantly talking/texting/emailing, so it's not as if he was just completely removed from my life. I very much appreciate the emails/texts/phone calls, and I hope they keep coming (if for no other reason than I just like hearing from people), but no need to put me on suicide watch. I'm just peachy...
1 comment:
What a healthy addiction replacement! I approve, especially if this obsession turns in to something chocolate based and is easily shipped.
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