Hey! Remember us? Been awhile, eh? We're back now, though, and just in time for S.A.D. Don't worry, we're here for you.
And I, for one, am particularly angry this S.A.D. Remember Luigi? That impossibly adorable Italian? Yeah, him.
Things were going really great right up until Christmas. The week before Christmas, I left to meet Grayer and my parents on The Continent. We got back to London the day he left to go home to Italy for Christmas, but he called and left a message for me on his way to the airport. Then he texted me on Christmas day. No problem.
He was due back in London a few days after the New Year. I left him a message to see if he could help me with something. No response. Another day went by. Then another. Still no response. Oh, for crying out loud. Not another disappearance. A few more days went by. The problem was, I didn't really know if it was a disappearance or not. I know what you're thinking. Of course it was a disappearance. But the thing is, his mother is really sick, so he was going home quite often to see her, so there was the possibility that something terrible had happened, so not only was I going crazy without hearing anything, but I didn't even know how I could feel about it. I couldn't very well get angry and call him a fuckwit on his voicemail only to find out something terrible had happened to his mother. So I just waited and did the mountain of schoolwork that was due. I had sent him a message on facebook to see if everything was ok, but he's one of those people who has facebook, but doesn't really use it. *sigh*
Finally, a week after he was supposed to be back, I got a message: He was indeed still in Italy, and had been since before Christmas, but he would call when he got back. Whew! Not disappeared on! Everything was going to be ok!
He got back a few days later, then had to go out of town immediately again for work. He called from the road, and we agreed to have lunch the next day, before he had to go back to Italy again. So, the next day I went to his house for lunch, which he cooked. He seemed really happy to see me, and we picked up right where we had left off, even though we hadn't seen each other for a month. I had intended to ask him what exactly he wanted out of this, but when I was actually with him, I didn't feel the need to. Plus, I got distracted by the Afternoon Delight that followed lunch. He promised we'd do something the next week, but then he was out of town again and he was too busy, so I called him and left him a voicemail: I told him that I was confused as to what was going on, and that if he was interested in only getting together once in awhile to hook up, that I wasn't interested, and if he was interested in more than that, than he needed to do a better job of communicating with me. I thought it was a pretty good message, as far as voicemail messages go. (Have you ever been really pumped about a voicemail message you left?)
The next day, I got a message back: He really loved my message (?) and it made total sense, but that it deserved more than phone/text conversation, and to let him get through his rough weekend, then we'd go out to dinner and talk about it.
I took this as two good signs: He loved my message, and if he were only interested in fucking around, he would not want that message at all. Second, what kind of fuckwit would make a girl wait for days to take her out for dinner and dump her?
The weekend came and went. Then Monday. Then Tuesday. Then Wednesday.... Then Thursday morning, I was doing my morning facebook check, when I saw his status: (he NEVER has a status) He had lost his phone several days ago, and thus all his numbers. Seriously?! So that explains why he never called, but in this day and age, there are 8,000 ways of contacting a person, and a phone isn't necessary.
So I sent him a slightly angry facebook message. I told him I didn't know if he was a fuckwit, or just an idiot, and that if he had lost his phone, there were other ways of contacting me without using his phone, kind of like how I was contacting him right now without my phone, and that if he wasn't interested he could have just told me that last week when I gave him a golden opportunity to do so. Then I felt bad about being mean.
Surprisingly, he responded to this. He said while I was a bit harsh, he knew that "from the outside" his behavior would be taken as inconsiderate, and that he really wanted to speak face to face, so I should send him my number so he could call to arrange that.
From the outside? Ok, so like an idiot, I sent him my number. He still didn't call. But he has sent several facebook messages apologizing for his absence and explaining how he is in and out of town, but really mostly out of town. It doesn't make any sense that he can't just call and explain things to me on the "outside." I can't really believe I've let him string me along this long. And why can't he at least give some indication about what it is he wants to talk about face to face? I don't need this. If I were interested in someone so good at disappearing acts, I'd date a magician. And I don't want to date a magician. I don't even really like magic shows that much. I think they're kind of weird and I hate the lovely assistant. It's sexist.
No. I'm not responding to Luigi's latest facebook message, telling me that he appreciates me in someway bearing with him. I'm not bearing with him. Instead, I'm going to let the cute boy teach me how to play pool. He's been offering....
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