WWBD? has now existed for over 1 year and over 200 posts! Hoorah! It's lasted through first dates, first kisses, and first..well..other things. (Oddly enough we haven't seen any actual boyfriends. Weird.) The only thing that makes it all worth it is what we've learned through these, shall we say, experiences (though sometimes "disasters" come to mind). So here is what we've learned, about men, about life, and about ourselves.
- Men are stupid. Please refer to any blog entry at WWBD? and you will find all the evidence you need. Oddly enough, we still love them/can't get enough of them/want to make babies with them.
- Dating is fucking hard. No one said it'd be easy, no one ever said it would be this hard. Online dating, flirtexting, defining a relationship, break-ups, miscommunications, disappointments, sexpectations are only a few of the stresses we face. If there is one thing we've learned, it's that this whole dating thing is not for the faint of heart. Hang in there ladies, it's bound to get easier someday.
- Violet got back her Mojo. A combination of online dating and moving out of the parent's house really goes a long way. Oh yes, and new knickers.
- Imaginary Boyfriends are still bad ideas. Scarlet saw it with Meetup Matt, I saw it again with Conrad, an Imag BF is the devil. Even when you know what you're doing, this is always a bad idea! (Though I'm pretty sure 3 times will be the charm for me).
- Action. Action. Oh how we love thee, Action. MMmmm. Not only is it fun, it's a stress reliever too. All single ladies deserve some action.
- Relationships are undefinable. We will never be "grown-up" enough to bring up the most uncomfortable convo of all time.
- The Disappearance happens. Any man. Any time. We should really no longer be all that shocked about it.
- Violet has a nerd limit. His name is The Highlander. A grown-up who plays with walkie-talkies, need I say more.
- Valentine's day is not a holiday. Thanks to this blog, a firm 0.5% of the population is now celebrating Single's Awareness day.
- Friends don't let friends dial drunk. Wine and mobiles just don't mix. Fenella told us so. The end.
- My aunt thinks I'm gay. Not only am I ok with it, I actually encourage it. At least it explains why she hasn't asked me about boys in 3 years and how she blatantly dislikes me. The fight for equality is on!
- The curse lives. DO NOT crochet (or knit) anything for a man. Ever. We only thought it was a tall tale, however, no good comes from yarn and a man.
- It is possible to be just friends. I didn't think it was true until the Mutual Friend, but it is possible. All you need is a mutual unattraction. However, we still flirt our asses off.
- Still smug. Still married. Still trying to ruin our lives. Smug marrieds are by the worst people ever created. I encourage each and every one of you to get back at them by being fun, flirty and fabulous.
- Sometimes, we're just not that into him. And that's fine, but then we just shouldn't date them in the first place. Think The Engineer, Hanging Out Guy or The Highlander.
- We are living the singleton dream. So what if men are stupid, dating is hard, and people think I'm a lesbian. We are living the dream! We go out when we want and with who we want. We make out, and we break out. We flirt unforgivingly, we get guys to buy us drinks, and we get ourself some action too. Sure we may want a guy of the non-fuckwitt variety, but until he shows up, we're having some fun. That my friends, is the definition of singleton! Enjoy!
What a year we've had! I know things haven't always turned out the way we planned, but life rarely does, and I for one had a helluva lot of fun this year. I can't wait for 2010. Bring. it. on.
I love this blog.
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