Once we enter the “real world” (not a reference to the MTV show) there are fewer opportunities to meet other singletons. (This may be even more of an issue for those of us who are daring enough to move away from friends and family.) And no I’m not just referring to my inability to meet single, straight males of the non-fuckwit variety; now I often find myself with nothing to do on a Friday night. In college this was unheard of! I always had something to do whether it was hanging out with friends or conquering the massive amount of schoolwork that was ever-present. Unfortunately a majority of my friends are no longer in the area. While Violet and I talk several times a week, sadly I can count on my hands how many times I have actually seen her in the last three and a half years. (We jokingly refer to our lesbi-friendship as our most successful long-distance relationship ever.) I’m sure that I’m not the only loser that finds themselves alone on a Friday night, so I decided to prepare a list of some ways to meet other singletons. (Some are more reliable than others and unfortunately if you don’t live in a city your options may be limited.)
- Smile – I read somewhere that if you smile people will be more likely to approach you. This is kind of obvious but this applies to any of the options below.
- Class – Take a class at a college or technical school or at a gym. Choose something that you are interested in but it might be preferable to choose an interactive class, such as a cooking class. This does happen…my first class in grad school resulted in a date.
- Dog park – This is only an option if you like dogs. And please do not borrow a dog and pretend it is yours. In theory I think this could work. As an animal lover I know how obsessed people are about their pets.
- Grocery Store/Hardware store – From my experiences and discussion with other women, the guys that hit on women at grocery store are generally not high quality men. (I once had an old man (at least 20 years older) at the grocery store tell me I was cute and then follow it up by telling me that he worked at a prison and had a beach house. Only then did he ask me how old I was to make sure I was legal. I couldn’t walk away fast enough. Men, let this be a lesson to you!)
- Planes/Trains – Does this really ever happen? I have my doubts!
- Bars – This one is pretty self explanatory and very popular but not my style. (Bars are too loud and drunk people don’t always show their most attractive side.)
- Online dating – I have tried this with no long term results but it may be a good alternative to bars for someone such as myself.
- Speed Dating – This may only an option in cities but imagine the possibilities. How many bad dates can you fit in one night? It is a numbers game.
- House of worship – Some churches have groups for people in their 20s and 30s.
- Setups – Get friends or family members who know you well to set you up. Be careful who you ask though!
- Arranged marriage – Not an option for me but I thought I’d put it out there. (I have to say I’m glad my parents don’t have that kind of power.)
- Intramural or community club – I’m not athletically inclined so this option is out for me.
- Meetup group – I found one of these in my area for people in their 20s and 30s that I’m going to try. I’ll report back with my thoughts.
I really like this meetup group. I just joined a "singles social group involved in a variety of fun activities." This could be great. Now I just have to actually attend their events.
1. The Dog Park totally works. I used to go running at a local park and never spoke to anyone- until I decided to take my roommate's dog along. Suddenly everyone was asking me questions about the dog, and I had to ask my roommate for Alex's history so I could answer them.
2. I vaguely recall being hit-on at the grocery store (something about the way I walked?), only the guy wouldn't leave me alone. We first met in produce, then the cereal aisle, then frozen foods, until I had to get out of there. Would have worked if he wasn't such a creep.
3. Of all the planes/trains/buses I have traveled on, I have yet to sit next to an age-appropriate hottie. What gives? (Although last year on a flight to Boston, a married +40 tried to buy me a glass of win because he found me "fascinating.")
Excellent list.
Excellent! Grayer, you and I can compare our meetup experiences. I'm going to my first event next Thursday.
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