I'm not stupid. I know how to read between the lines of text messages, or read between the lack of lines in the lack of a text message reply. Welsh Willy is just not that into me.
Am I disappointed? Yes.
Did I send Vi a depressing email? Yes.
Did I eat chocolate? Yes.
Did I turn to retail therapy? Yes.
Have I been over analysing the whole situation and wondering why he's just not that into me? But of course.
It's been awhile since I've found myself in the rejected corner. Not because I'm so great but because I've had a bit of a dry spell and I was the one who ended it with Fergus. It's been so long that I've forgotten just how much it sucks.
However, as disappointed as I am I'm also quite proud of myself. I've learned from past mistakes and experiences; most of which involved alcohol and technology. This time round I won't be going down that path:
I deleted all text messages from him.
I deleted his number.
I got Vi to change the password to my Facebook profile. Extreme? Perhaps. But I was spending way too much time on it anyways. I just hope she doesn't let all the power go to her head...
So I'm making progress.
Do I still feel lousy? Yes.
Do I still feel a teensy bit hopeful when my phone beeps with a text message? Unfortunately yes.
Am I going to go out for drinks tomorrow night with a positive outlook and show off the result of my retail therapy? Hell yes.
Afterall, as Vi said, if he's just not into me then he's just not right for me. and why would I want to be with someone who isn't right for me?
Recognizing and admitting he's just not that into you is the first step. Well done! Taking precautions against making a total arse of yourself is the second step. Kudos! I'll admit I've deleted Conrad's texts and number twice now. Unfortunately, I did not have a friend change my Facebook password, enabling me to log in to FB, get his phone number and text him, even though I swore I wouldn't. Here's to hoping you're stronger than me!
I was super impressed by your asking me to change your password. At first, I actually thought you were joking. I promise I haven't done anything to sabotage your facebook, but I must admit, I've been tempted to update your status with how awesome I am. Deleting his number and all texts is definitely a positive step. Congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a cool, aloof ice queen! (And retail therapy is a very healthy way to dealing with fuckwittage. Good work.)
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