Saturday, March 6, 2010

3 Month Checkup

Alright ladies, it's been 3 months since we've made New Year's resolutions. A mere 90 days ago, 2010 was full of hopes and promises, but how do we feel now? Let's see where we stand!


Grayer said...

I will...

-Get a Job. A real grownup full-time job that will allow me to pay bills and maybe even splurge on..cable.
+Check. I just put in my first week at work! And next week, I'll be getting a real paycheck. That's right.

-Move somewhere Awesome to be at said job. I'm really looking forward to moving someplace new. Preferably someplace with cute boys.
+Check. I'm signing a lease tomorrow!

- Meet people. Once in new place, I want to majorly meet people. To do this I vow to join Meetup groups and possibly even online date. I will be more social then ever before.
+My new roommate is going to be a huge facilitator of this. I'm really excited!

-Get more action. Same with Vi, this is our time, our time to LIVE. If I can remember the number of boys I make out with this year, I'll consider it a failure.
+Some, not a lot. The good news is I work in a hospital (Hello, McDreamy!), and the rental agent was telling me my new neighborhood is full of single young professional males. Perfect!

-Lose some weight. I realize this is a resolution cliche but grad school was not kind to me. I'm going to need to shed a few.
+Waiting to join a gym until I move, but I have been taking the stairs in the subway stations!

I will not...

-Have an imaginary/fictitious/mythical/pseudo relationship of any kind. I mean it this time.
+Well once my current one is over (very soon), I will not have an imaginary/fictitious/mythical/pseudo relationship of any kind

-Worry about guy/relationship but rather "go with the flow." If it's meant to be, it will be, no sense in worrying about it.
+Going with the flow like a twig in the water.

Fenella said...

Here it goes...

I will...

- Visit Violet.
+ Check. Flights are booked and less than 4 weeks to go!

- Follow 'The Four Man Plan' (sub resolution- read 'The Four Man Plan'. It's on my nightstand). Here's to finding Mr. Right Now(s)!
+ A work in progress. Have joined a dating site in order to actually find the four men required.

- Embark on some form of exercise, form TBC.
+ Check. Will be taking part in the inter charity softball league. In order to secure my place on the team I am helping to organise the team. Extra points?

- Get up 20 minutes earlier to improve on my current beauty routine of mascara and lipgloss.
+ Happens 3 out of 5 work mornings.

- Cook
+ Check. Getting much better at this. Have had compliments on my pasta.

I will not...

- Read too much into the situation with Welsh Willy (or other). Instead will enjoy fun evenings for what they are, rather than hope something more will come of it.
+ As we know, the whole WW didn't work out. Yet to have fun evenings with guys who I don't work with.

- Keep telling myself that I'm rubbish at my job and quake inwardly whenever my boss asks me to do something.
+ Check. Got a special mention in a team meeting for my hard work. People clapped.

- Leave my make-up on when I go to bed as results in IES (icky eye syndrome).
+ Check.

- Eat toast for dinner (more than twice a week).
+ Check. And beans on toast doesn't count.

- Drunk dial or drunk text. Anyone. Drunk dialing/texting reeks of desperation. Will be cool aloof ice queen instead.
+ I was doing so well on everything else....I'm only human! But it has to be said, a big, fat FAIL!

Violet said...

I will...

-Get more action. 2009 was a good action year for me, but it only let me wanting more. I'm still in my twenties. The time to have fun is NOW.
+ Check. Even if it's been action with recycled goods (The Dark Horse), I have still thrown caution to the wind, and managed to get some action without getting all gooey and attached.

-Continue to work on employment, so that I may actually have a disposable income.
+ Check. HOWEVER, thanks to my money pit of a car, I haven't really benefitted from it just yet. Why can't I ever get ahead?

I will not...

-Worry about the relationship. Instead of worrying about getting over the "three-month hump" or finding Mr. Right, I'm going to focus on Mr. Right Now. I hear that's more fun anyway.
+ Eh. It would be nice if I could find a Mr. Right Now or two (besides the recycled variety), but I'm counting on them to come out of hibernation very, very soon.

-Crochet anything for a man. Ever.
+Haven't crocheted anything. Although I did fix the Dark Horse's hat that I made him, which I'm now wondering if that may mean I'll never see him again.

Not too bad...