Thursday, December 30, 2010

To do or not to do

"I do think New Year's resolutions can't technically be expected to begin on New Year's Day, don't you?  Since, because it's an extension of New Year's Eve, smokers are already on a smoking roll and cannot be expected to stop abruptly on the stroke of midnight with so much nicotine in the system.  Also dieting on New Year's Day isn't a good idea as you can't eat rationally but really need to be free to consume whatever is necessary, moment by moment, in order to ease your hangover.  I think it would be much more sensible if resolutions began generally on January the second. "     ~ Bridget Jones's Diary

Believe in them or not, resolutions are fun to make.  Even when they start on January 2nd and end January 3rd.  So, let's hear 'em.  


Violet said...

In 2011,

I will...

-Further my education. I certainly cannot keep living in poverty, working two jobs forever, so it is high time I got myself back to school. I am already off to a flying start, as I've already applied to 2 different schools, and have even been accepted to one (so far). Someday, I WILL have a real, grown-up job...

-Get more organized. I am a mess. Seriously, I don't know how I find my keyboard on my desk for all the papers and junk. I am even more perplexed at how I manage to pay my bills on time, seeing as how all that stuff is scattered about my desk. Organization is definitely in order for 2011.

-Go skinny dipping. I have never in my life been skinny dipping, and this is something that has frightened me for some time now. I mean, if I died tomorrow, I would really regret never having taken off all my clothes and running into the ocean. In general, I would like to live a bit more recklessly and do lots of things I've never done before for fear of getting caught/hurt. Like having sex in the park. Or eating a pot brownie. Or wearing white shoes after Labor Day. Yes, these are all things I need to do in 2011.

-Learn to swing dance. This is the least likely of my resolutions that will actually happen, (ok, actually getting organized is going to be much less likely to happen) but I have always wanted to swing dance. I think this is the year I should make that happen.

I will not...
-Tell myself NOT to do things, but instead just do them and live with reckless abandon (see skinny dipping, above).

Grayer said...

I've actually been thinking about my resolutions all month. Let's see if I actually remember what they were.

I will...

-Get more action. Duh! I want a good romp around town or two. Or maybe four. Preferably not months and months apart. However, I want this to be new romps, that means no romping with the past!

-Meet more people. So I have friends here, but my friends here can be superlame. I want to find more friends, preferably not superlame ones.

-Do laundry more often. I don't admit this to many people, but on several occasions this year I febreezed my dirty clothes until they smelled good as clean. Which leaves me to ask the question, why am I living like a frat boy???

-Do something. Something big. I don't know what said something is, but I can feel it brewing. It might be a new job across country, it might be a dog. When I know you'll know, but I have to DO something.

I will not...

-Continue to be surprised by fuckwittage. Because really, what's surprising about it?

Leah.exe; said...

My New year resolutions start and end with Be Nice. For far too long I've been settled with the act of being brutally honest, all of the time. However, recently it came to light that not everybody wants to know when "they look fat in that dress" or they're "really pissing you off at the moment". So, after some long hard thinking on my part, I decided it would probably be best, to keep such musing to myself, but keeping my unique brutal honesty present, purely for when my opinion is asked.
Honestly, I don't hold out much hope.

Fenella said...

I've been thinking long and hard about what resolutions to make for 2011. I surprised myself with actually keeping some of my 2010 resolutions so I want to try and continue the trend.

I will...

Find a hobby.
Although my social life has improved ten fold since this time last year, I could do with meeting some new people and doing something I enjoy. (Watching X Factor, The Apprentice or Coronation Street whilst in my pyjamas doesn't count). I also feel I'm becoming a little too reliant on the White Horse and need to carve out a social life that is separate from both him and work people. I'm think about joining a book club.

Be better about taking holiday.
I get 26 holiday days a year. Not including bank holidays or extra time off I get for helping at work events. Last year I failed to use all this holiday and therefore took over 5 holiday days meaning that in 2011 I have 31 days to take. 31. I need to use them. I'm renowned in my team for not taking holiday. I don't get paid enough to be a workaholic.

Worry less.
I worry way too much. I blame my mother. She's a worrier. But whereas a little worrying can be a good thing I go way too far in the other direction. It's not healthy and it makes me boring and moany. Not sure how I'm going to measure this one but less worrying is a must for 2011!

I will not...

Drink so much Coca-Cola.
I've seen what it does to a dirty penny. Goodness knows what it's does to my stomach. It's just so sweet and delicious. But I really do need to drink less of it.

Gossip (as much).
Yes, just like Rachel in Friends I am a bit of a gossip. I don't spill the big secrets but I can be placed firmly in the gossip category. Must stop this.

Live in squalor.
I'm 24. It's time to start trying to grow up and keep my room clean. I've been in my current home since September. I'm still not completely unpacked. Note to self - the floor does not equal a wardrobe.

Happy 2011!!