Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Plus No-one AGAIN

Last year, I wrote about my lack of a Plus One. This year, however, I have an ACTUAL boyfriend and all, so everything should be hunky dory, right? Wrong. My ACTUAL boyfriend is out of town. So I will yet again be attending my office Christmas party solo. I mean seriously, what is the point of having an actual boyfriend if he's going to be out of town for the two weeks leading up to Christmas, leaving me Plus One-less yet again? Grrr.

This year's office Christmas party invite was particularly obnoxious about the whole thing also. There was a sign-up sheet with a column for your name if you'll be attending, and next to it a column that said, "Spouse (yes or no)." Why only a "spouse"? Why not "significant other"? Or better yet, "guest"? I was feeling particularly cheeky and smart ass, so under the spouse column, I wrote "No thanks."

Don't worry, I won't be giving a drunken solo at the party. Actually, if the party were going to include drunken karaoke, I might actually be looking forward to it, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be super-lame, and have been trying to come up with an excuse not to go for weeks now. Unfortunately, it's important to stay on the boss's good side, and this is a good way to do that. I can, however, look forward to New Year's Eve, when I will actually have a date for the first time in... well, let's not think about that.

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