We here at WWBD? are committed by putting an end to fuckwittage. Impossible, you say. While I admit that it is an uphill battle, I don't believe it to be impossible. How can we achieve this impossible dream? By saying no to fuckwittage every time it rears it's ugly head.
Of course, this will only work if women everywhere band together and Just Say No. Let me paint for you a picture of fuckwittage being allowed to happen. The scene: New Year's Eve, a Brooklyn bar, which just happens to have bocchi ball lanes, allowing for hours of fun. Sadly, the bocchi lanes have been dominated for quite some time by two complete and utter Fuckwitts. (and yes, that capital F was intentional.) Now I like to trash talk as much as the next guy, but these two jerkwads took it to another level. They made up their own rules, got nearly physical with anyone who dared question these imaginary rules, and even taunted two girls who dared walk on their bocchi lane (during a break in the action, mind you) that they "weren't pretty enough" to be invading their space.
So naturally, their best chance of scoring would be if they woke up next to each other, with a wicked hangover, shouting things like WTF JUST HAPPENED?!, right? Wrong. Sadly, wanker #1 was last seen around midnight, making out with a girl who clearly needs some therapy to work on her self-esteem issues, while douchebag #2 somehow managed to find a girl willing to flirt (badly) with him. I have no doubt he went home with her.
This is a problem. These two pricks are going to keep acting this way until someone holds them accountable. And since men of this age (or really any age) only think about the next time they will have sex, how they will have sex, and whom they will be having sex with, the best way to get them to stop behaving this way is to NOT HAVE SEX WITH THEM.
Sounds so simple, right? We, as women (or gay men) are also accountable. It's more than a bit hypocritical to whine about how there are no good men out there, and then go home with the next breathing male of our species. I don't care how hot they are (and these two twats would have been, had my vision not been clouded by their bad behavior), how desperate you are, or even if your ex is watching. JUST SAY NO.
I agree that we should say no to fuckwits!
However, I did want to point out the irony that "The Year of Yes" post was directly followed by a post advocating "Just say no."
This is true, however, a "year of yes" was meant to say yes to dates and romantic/social opportunities. Not for random hookups with complete jerks. Show some respect for yourselves, ladies!
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