Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First date do's and don't's

I don't read Cosmo; I preferred the now defunct Jane. Yes, I occasionally pick it up at the dentist's office or flip through it while waiting for a friend to get ready, but I don't read it religiously every month. I find that it only succeeds in making me feel incredibly imperfect. I don't look like any of the women in the magazine (who apparently never break out, even during their period), the amazingly cheap bargains still sound a bit expensive if you ask me, and I see far less action than the average "Cosmo girl."

That being said, I stumbled upon this article online, (read it!) written by Cosmo, on how to rock the first date. For the most part, I agree with what they have to say in this particular article (particularly on which foods not to order, more on that later), but I have an issue with their advice to "go a little wild" and "flaunt your fearless personality." What if you are not wild and don't have a fearless personality? Are you supposed to develop a passion for skinny-dipping in the town square fountain in order to get a second date? Streaking down Main Street to ensure he'll call you? (I don't know why, but when I hear "wild" and "fearless" together, I automatically assume public nudity is involved.) That's all I have to say about that.

On the flip side, I totally agree with the following list of what NOT to order at dinner on your first date. (My comments in parentheses).

1. A messy plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce (I don't think I need to explain this one to you)
2. Escargots with butter and garlic (a. It's the most expensive thing on the menu. Even if you've found a date with deep enough pockets to take you out to a restaurant that even serves escargots, it will only make you look like you're after his money. b. Garlic. You want a good night kiss, don't you?)
3. Deep-fried anything (Grease isn't hot)
4. A salad with low-fat dressing on the side (He obviously didn't ask you out because he's into super models, so don't eat like one.)
5. Three-bean chili (Could you imagine anything more mortifying?)
6. Barbecued chicken wings (Sometime in the future, you may want him to lick sauce off of you, but your first date shouldn't be the time.)

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