Monday, February 23, 2009

WWBD: Eradicating fuckwittage one man at a time

One of our purposes with this little blog is to support the eradication of fuckwittage. The most effective way to get rid of fuckwittage is to simply tell it like it is. This includes cases where the fuckwittage is not being committed against us. We cannot simply stand idly by and watch the atrocities of a fuckwitt play out before us and do nothing to help our fellow ladies. (Because no matter what the media tries to tell us, we are NOT in competition with each other. Like the song from HSM, we're all in this together!)

My opportunity to take a stand came yesterday, while cooking dinner with my ex-imaginary boyfriend. I asked him for an update regarding his previous female troubles (not menstrual cramps, but the fact that he liked a girl whose best friend liked him, he had to let down the best friend). This was a few months ago now. He still hasn't done a single darn thing toward asking out the first girl. The problem being the fact that they are friends, he is sure the first girl won't go out with him for fear of betraying her friend. This is a very real possibility, but from what he told me he really, really likes this girl. I think he has to at least let her know this. Otherwise, he'll always wonder what could have been.

We lamented the fact that they were friends, and that life would be so much easier for them if they were strangers. Then, (without really thinking about what I was saying) I blurted out, "Well, maybe it is easier for you this way. If they weren't friends, then you might actually have to do something about it instead of just sitting back and doing nothing." Or something to that effect.


Initially, he looked stunned. Then we did a way-lame "Oh, no you did-n't," "Oh yes I did" thing back and forth. Luckily, he knows I'm going to tell it to him like it is. We wouldn't be friends if he couldn't handle the truth; this isn't the first time I've put him in his place. I know he chewed on that all night, and probably most of the day too. Just trying to do my part. What have you done lately?


Scarlet said...

I agree, we need to support our fellow singletons.

One small step towards the eradication of fuckwittage and one giant step for McNerdy?

Violet said...

We'll see if he uses this as a learning opportunity. He obviously learned nothing from his disaster with me.