Both Violet and I have been feeling a little exasperated with online dating. It seems that there are so many more undesirables than suitable bachelors in my pool of geographically desirable men on While I am trying to put forth some effort and give all the respectable guys a chance, recently I find myself more drawn to some of the guys I’m meeting through friends or my meetup group. I contemplated why this might be and came to the realization that online dating is the fast food of dating.
Don’t get me wrong I still recommend it to anyone who is single and looking for a better way to meet someone than a loud bar but it does have its flaws. Online dating allows you to meet a lot of guys within a short period of time but like fast food it often leaves you feeling dissatisfied and guilty. Furthermore the prospective men are often not as appealing in person as they appear on their profile pictures. Yes you do correspond prior to meeting but often this is an exchange of history, goals, interests, etc. that give you a false impression that you actually know the person. It becomes kind of methodical and takes some of the romance out of the courtship process. You skip over the introductory stage where you feel giddy over little things that the guys says or does. True it probably isn’t that much of a loss that Violet and I are spared some of the “does he like me” conversations but isn’t that part of the fun? Sometimes I just want to enjoy the a three course meal complete with the anticipation!
So while my online dating inbox is flooded with winks from less than ideal suitors it is a relief to meet men in the real world on occasion that have potential. I have been crushing a bit on this guy that I met through some friends. He has definitely flirted with me and there is chemistry. Over dinner with friends he even reached across the table and patted my hand on one occassion. However, he isn't exactly pursuing me so if I was perfectly honest with myself I'd probably have to admit that he is just not that into me. Then there is my friend Meetup Matt. I met him awhile ago and then started dating The Engineer. I hung out with him and some of the other meetup people this past weekend there was some flirtation involved (perhaps aided by sexy panties, heels, and alcohol). I’m not sure if any of these flirtations will go anywhere but sometimes after a string of bad first dates a girl just needs a little harmless flirting to reassure herself that she's still got it!!
I TOLD YOU SEXY PANTIES WOULD WORK! We should fill in the rest of the blogging world on our panty shopping spree.
Sexy undies are the best! I wear them for confidence not just for guys but for life in general. You can bet that if I'm giving a big presentation that I'm wearing something scandalous underneath those dress pants.
Also I'm not sure about this fast food business. To me, fast food isn't online dating, its your ex. Something you've had before and is a comfort. Something you know is awful for you but sometimes you just want it anyways. We all have weaknesses, and every so often those fresh hot french fries/ex(imaginary)boyfriends are just what we need!
Grayer has a point. Exes, like fast food, are comfortable and very, very bad for you. I think online dating might be more like a buffet, because while there's so much more to choose from than a sit-down restaurant, some of it has been sitting out for awhile and isn't fresh, or someone dripped a glop of ranch dressing into the french. You have to be careful about what you put on your plate.
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