I'm sick. Again. I totally blame Fergus for this. He was the one who suggested we go to India last summer. After getting sick over there I really don't think my immune system has ever fully recovered. Still, being off work means that I can concentrate on more important things, like trashy magazines and thinking about my next blog entry.
As well as some weird stomach virus I am also suffering from that old friend, the green eyed monster. It's been almost a week since my interesting evening with Posh Work Guy. Thankfully Monday morning in the office wasn't awkward at all. The emails at work have continued. He was also very nice to me Tuesday evening when I left work in tears (stupid work issue, not worth elaborating on). He took me for drinks, made me laugh and generally cheered me up. Don't worry ladies, I went home by myself.
So really, all should be well. I had some fun on Friday, nothing has changed between us and no one at work suspects anything. Dear God I hope no one suspects anything! Plus, I don't like him in that way. Would I perhaps like a repeat of Friday night at some point? Why yes please. But I am only female. And his apartment is amazing.
However, there is one small problem, Emily. The girl at work who he used to have a bit of a thing for. The girl that every guy loves. The girl that whenever I see her and PWG talking I get a little twinge of jealously. The girl that doesn't know about me and PWG so informed me that he asked her to some polo thingy. (Clearly, he wouldn't ask me, I know diddly-squat about polo. And I have a life).
My problem is, just because I don't like him doesn't mean I want him to like her. Or her to possibly like him (you never know, she might). I'm quite happy being the only one in the office he's hooked up with. So until I get over this, the green eyed monster and I are firm friends. Seriously, I. Need. A. Monica.
The age-old case of "I don't want him, but you can't have him." It's ok, we all just want to be adored. It's not too much to ask, is it?
I personally don't think it's too much to ask at all :p
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