Thursday, April 22, 2010

Missing: Fenella's Mojo

Firstly, might I just say that one of my closest friends has just got engaged. ENGAGED! What a foreign concept that is to be sure.

Secondly, might I just say that I am nowhere near close to that stage in my life. In fact, I'm so far away from that stage that man will probably set foot on the moon again before I get engaged. Reason being? My mojo is missing.

Now before you all start protesting (I can hear Vi protesting as we speak), and accuse me of being liar, I am fully aware that I did receive some McNerdy Love. However, that did not solve my missing mojo problem. It merely tracked it down for a couple days.

Obviously if a guy like McNerdy were to come along i.e. sane and funny, then I am a female and would take full advantage of this. My issue is this: while there are no McNerdys around...I'm just not that bothered. I don't care that I have no prospects on the horizon. I don't care that it might be months until I am kissed again let alone anything else. I don't care that I have no one to drunk dial (what a relief!)

And that my friends is when your mojo is missing. When you just don't care.

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