Friday, November 5, 2010

The sweater situation

I had a date the other night with a new guy.  I have to say I've really lost interest in the whole OkCupid thing but I'm persevering.  Partly for your reading entertainment, and partly because I don't want to put too much hope on Jonny Damon.  Sure, he's great but we all know The Disappearance can take place anytime, and to anyone.  Plus, this new guy is a serious traveler.  If there's someone I at least have to meet/give a chance, it's a serious traveler.

We had plans to meet at a bar after work, more specifically he told me he was waiting at the end of the bar.  When I got to the bar the only man at the end was clearly 45 years old, at least.  Holy crap, how did I accidentally make a date with a man clearly 20 years older than me?  I text him that I'm there.  The old man moves to get his phone. Damn, my not looking at profile pictures closely enough! I start planning my get away.  I start thinking of how to hide the disgust that is currently all over my face.  I start looking at the guy walking towards me.  The much younger, fairly attractive man, that appears to be smiling at me.  The man in the hooded zipup alpaca sweater.   The man in the alpaca sweater with llamas on it.  I'm going on a date with a man wearing an alpaca sweater, decorated with llamas.  What the hell?

What's a guy thinking wearing a llama ridden sweater out in Boston?  He wasn't even a hipster.  Don't get me wrong.  I've been to Peru, I've seen my fair share of sweaters made out of alpaca wool.  All of which seem to have llamas on them.  Violet and Fenella have even lived in Peru.  But outside of Peru, would you ever want to date a man wearing one?  At least he wasn't 45.

The Alpaca Sweater turned out to be an ok guy.  He has traveled quite a bit, including a stint in the Peace Corps in Ecuador and a trip to Peru, where he picked up that little number.  He also lives extremely close to me, which would be very convenient.  He was an ok guy.  But with or without llamas bounding across his chest, he's really nothing to get excited about.  


Violet said...

Would you want to date a man wearing an alpaca sweater outside of Peru? No. You wouldn't want to date one in Peru, either. That being said, I own an alpaca sweater. It doesn't actually have llamas on it, but it does have fringe on the bottom, which is just as good. I do have llamas on my alpaca socks. And I have alpaca leg warmers, hat, scarf, and blankets. I don't think I've left anything out. I also rarely wear my alpaca sweater outside of the house. It's more for lounging in, with stretch pants and slippers. (which sounds like a really great idea right now, actually...)But it IS really, really warm, and Boston is cold, so maybe he's just more practical than fashionable?

Fenella said...

I agree with everything that Vi said. Including the fact that I too own an alpaca sweater. (No llamas on mine either. More's the pity).