I've become a bit anti-social lately. I blame it on the weather (it is, in fact, currently snowing in Boston). I don't want to do anything on weekends anymore, I mostly want to catch up on my sleep, my crafts, my newest book, my job applications (I need to get the hell away from Boston winters) and ok, my online Scrabble. It's an addiction, online Scrabble that is. Like a game version of Nutella, or... crack (fyi, Nutella is the reason spoons were invented). Seriously, can't stop playing it, partly because I'm so damn competitive, but mostly because of my favorite online opponent.
We started playing back in January. He impressed me with his words, what else? I also particularly liked that we were a good match for each other. Challenging but not unbeatable. I started looking for him every time I got online. Eventually, we started chatting during our games. Turns out, Manitoba Manny, is pretty hilarious (for a Canadian that is) and I had a lot of fun talking to him. He LOLs at my jokes, he totally gets my sarcasm. Pretty soon, we were actually scheduling these cyber-dates, going from Scrabble to Skype. He's a really sweet guy, does some sort of IT work, and according to his pictures, he's really cute. Bearded (obviously). I honestly feel like I talk to him more than anyone else. I feel like I can tell him anything. We've sort of gotten into a routine now, chatting while at work, talking via Skype at home while we eat dinner, we've even watched movies together (and by together, I mean at the same time). It's almost as if we've been dating. Apparently, he's been feeling the same because last night, we had The Conversation. We talked about where things are going between us, particularly when we're going to meet, and by the end of it, it was official! I have an ACTUAL BOYFRIEND!!
I know, I know, it sounds a little...crazy (which is why I haven't mentioned him before now, but now it's official!). But if you knew him, you would totally understand. Manitoba Manny is freaking awesome. I know I'm not physically with him, but I don't want to be with anyone else because of him. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we'll be meeting anytime to soon (He has lack of funds to come here, I can't go there because he's living with his parents' for the time being, awkward!). But hopefully this summer we can work something out. Hopefully, before that, he'll get a webcam so we can finally talk face to face (kind of). It's funny, I've been looking all over the US for a new job, but suddenly Canada's not looking so bad, eh?
Wow! I'm so happy for you! But you haven't talked to him "live" on video chat? Are you sure he's a smokin' hot, bearded 20-something man? Is there any chance he might be a woman? Or a creepy old man? Just a thought...
Gotta be April Fools...
Thanks for recognizing, Penelope!
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