Friday, August 20, 2010

The plan

Two days ago I came up with a plan. A plan so brilliant it borderlines evil.

I was at a Red Sox game, scoping out the goods in the outfield bleachers. Suddenly I realized--this is where every single man in Boston is! Why didn't I think of this before. I don't need to find them, I can just sit and let them come to me. Like moths to a flame.

Enter the plan: My friend Flora and I would watch the game at a bar neighboring Fenway, wearing our new Red Sox garb. (I'd be watching it for the baseball, she'd just be sitting there, she doesn't know/care about baseball.) As soon as the game was over they would all come flooding in. Well hello. How bout that game. Can you believe so and so struck out with 2 runners in scoring position?

I know what you're thinking right now. Wow, that's a brilliant plan. And yes it is. But wait, there's more. Two hours ago my roommate texts me. She got free tickets to the Sox game tonight through work. Do I want to come? Yes. Yes, I do. Clearly this plan is meant to be executed. Now I can even talk about where my seats were.

This will be an experiment. We'll see if men like girls that know their baseball (me) or girls that can remember one name to say when asked who their favorite player is (my friend Flora). Since I didn't get a chance to get a decent well-fitting Sox shirt, we're going to hope that a little cleavage will do the trick. And because I am coming from work, I just might stop in my local CVS to get a little makeup. What can I say, desperate times call for desperate measures. And if you haven't noticed, I'm in a bit of a dry spell.

It's go time.


Violet said...

I have only one question: How did you not think of this before? It's so simple. Yet BRILLIANT.

After tonight, get yourself a "Kiss me I'm a Sox Fan" t-shirt or the like and see if that has an even better effect than cleavage. Because in that city, it just might. Good luck! Oh, and Yankees suck.

Grayer said...

Other favorite shirt possibilities are "I do it with my Sox on" and just for good humor/Yankee hating, "Jeter drinks wine coolers"