Friday, August 14, 2009

Sexy Bruises

On Saturday, I managed to get absolutely nailed with a softball, producing (very quickly, I might add) a lovely purple bruise surrounding the imprint of the softball stitches on my leg. Duke Logan insisted on examining it up close. He called it sexy. I called him weird.

On Monday, I slid on a very hard surface into second base, scraping up my knee. Oh, war wounds, how I've missed you. My legs looked like I was 15 again. Duke Logan wasn't at the field, which is very odd, as he is a softball whore. (I am merely a slut, mind you.) I texted him to point out how shocking this was. He said he knew I would miss him. I told him he missed my slide. He asked if I was going for matching leg wounds. I told him that since he said it was sexy, that maybe this was the secret to meeting the man of my dreams, and maybe I would go to a bar that night? (I didn't, The Highlander came over. We had fun.) He said that was "totally hot."

On Thursday, he asked me if I was busy Sunday. I told him I was. He wanted to know if I was interested in going to the baseball game, which is funny, because I was thinking of asking him if he wanted to go, but The Highlander is taking me to a game on Saturday, and I don't have time to go to both.

Duke Logan is too old for me. He is most likely not interested in being my friend. I am most definitely "seeing" The Highlander. Had I not been busy this weekend, I would definitely have taken him up on his offer to go to the game. My question is: Would that be wrong?


Grayer said...

I'm going to give this one the green light. You and High are not exclusive, you plan on just being friends with Duke, and most importantly: Free Baseball game! I'd do and I wouldn't feel bad about it.

Violet said...

Thank you for your blessing ;)