Monday, August 3, 2009

Paging Dr. McDreamy

We here at WWBD? love Grey's Anatomy. Seriously. I can't speak for Scarlet and Grayer, but I take the show as gospel truth regarding the happenings at all hospitals. Which is why I was seriously disappointed at how my Saturday turned out.

My mom was visiting over the weekend, and unfortunately, our Saturday plans were derailed when I had to take her to the hospital (nothing serious, she's fine). We were a few hours into our 13-hour stay when I said (in only mock frustration) "This is nothing like Seattle Grace! Where are all the cute doctors?" No sooner had the words left my mouth when there was a knock on the door... and in walked a cute doctor. Cute enough for even my mother to notice. "There you go, Vi," she said after he had left. "There's your cute doctor."

So why was I disappointed? Cute as he was, he was no Karev/McDreamy/Sloan clone, and I saw him for a total of 15 minutes, all of which occured before I went home to shower and change, and was therefore wearing my glasses, no mascara, and had greasy bangs. Ugh. On top of that I was bored all day. I didn't see a single doctor or nurse running, no severed limbs, no bombs in bodies (quite grateful for that one, actually) and worst of all, I did not see a single intern getting it on in the on-call room/supply closet/empty patient room. This is no Hicksville General either; it is a major hospital in the middle of a major city. (Actually, I was told had I gone to the one nearby, I could have possibly witnessed a myriad of gun shot wound victims.) Clearly there is something wrong with this hospital, because there is certainly nothing wrong with my Seattle Grace.


Grayer said...

1. I'm not sure I can call myself a huge fan of Grey's anymore because well...ya know.
2. Although like all TV shows its totally "realistic" (don't even get me started on CSI) I'm pretty sure most doctors don't look like that. My friend actually used to work in a Seattle hospital and refuses to watch that show on principle.
3. Let it be said, that on the off chance that doctors do look like that, you should have showered and mascara'd beforehand, emergency or not.
4. It doesn't take much for mom to notice cute boys. Remember her love for Prince William and Dr. Phil's son?

Violet said...

Responding to #s 3 and 4:
3. When you're mother wakes you up at 7:30am on a Saturday and requests you take her to the ER, showering and mascaraing are not really an option.
4. I can't tell you how many times I've heard re: Prince William: "He's youre age, you know." Yes, I know. But I think I can live without the crazy family. And what if our children looked like Charles? *shudder*