Grayer and I are ESPN-watching (or we would be if either of us had cable), fiercely competitive, sporty women. You would think this would make us more appealing to men, since we would have more in common, but sadly, our moves on the field don't generally get us any moves off the field. While the boys take the time to show Miss Priss how to hold a bat (oh, puh-leeeze), we already know what we're doing and are much more likely to get an "atta girl!" and a slap on the ass (and not the good kind).
Even with all this in mind, I joined a softball meetup group, and played in not one, but two games today. (Maybe I'll find my missing mojo in a place I feel so comfortable?) There were plenty of cute, twenty-something men on the team. They were super funny. Grayer would luuuuurve them (most were bearded and burly, true men's men). After being introduced to me, one guy said, "So Violet, do you have mad softball skillz?" And boy did I show him. I was constantly on base, getting hits left and right. OK, mostly to left, as it is slow-pitch and is nearly impossible not to pull the ball. Unfortunately, I've already crossed into the dangerous territory of being "one of the guys." While I didn't get any slaps on the ass, I got plenty of "atta girl"s, and plenty of fist bumps and high-fives. But what else am I supposed to do? Strike out? Let a ball go between my legs? Oh, the humiliation! I honestly don't know how to take it down a notch when playing softball. Perfect example: I scored from second today on a sac fly. BAM! Did I get some serious fist bump action after that one. *sigh* If only fist bump action were a metaphor for a different kind of action...
We are stuck in No-Mans-Land. We've been trained to play hard so that is what we do. And under no possible circumstance can we half-ass it or (gasp!) pretend to suck so boys will like us!
However, I will gladly trade cleats with you any day. What's more wonderful than being surrounded by funny bearded (yum) men playing a sport you love, even if you run the bases better. Things could be worse, you could actually throw like a girl.
Are you really sure that your athletic abilities are hurting your dating prospects? As an athletically challenged girl, I can say with confidence that this has never helped me score with the guys.
Also, for the record, there is nothing wrong with throwing like a girl or not knowing how to hold a bat!
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