Monday, April 6, 2009

The default setting

I don't know what brought it up but while out this weekend, my friend Brad says to Hanging Out Guy and I, "You've heard of the missionary position, right?

"Uh, yeah. It's only the easiest, most trusted, go-to position known to man."

"Ok, because Clare (His girlfriend) didn't know what it was."

In unison, we look to Clare and say, "WHAT?" And oh, how we laughed.

Brad and Clare have been together for about 6 years, and have quickly become one of the best couples I've ever known. They amaze me on how incredibly cool, comfortable and fun they are with each other and with friends. (He told me his secret plan to take her into the city to a Chocolate Bar for her birthday, and they hung out with a bunch of us on SAD. Need I say more).

Apparently she didn't know missionary had a name. She just thought it was default.


Violet said...

This is great. I mean, default makes perfect sense. Who came up with missionary anyway, and why?

Grayer said...

Well, since you asked, I took the liberty and wikied it. Here are a few excerpts, and if you don't know what we're talking about, yes, there are pictures.

A common myth states that the term "missionary position" arose in response to Christian missionaries, who taught that the position was the only proper way to engage in sexual intercourse.

Thomas Aquinas believed that crimes against nature included intercourse in unnatural positions, with the missionary position being considered the only natural one.

Prior to the release of Alfred Kinsey's work, the missionary position was known by several names, including "the matrimonial", "the Mama-Papa position", "the English-American position", and "the male superior position". The term missionary position had never been seen prior to Kinsey's book in 1948.

Violet said...

See what an educational blog this is?

Scarlet said...

Interesting! Although I can't picture missionaries who would be comfortable teaching people how to have sex.