I received some blindingly obvious boy advice from an actual boy today. I've been in contact with Halpert, who asked for my number over the weekend. I gave it to him, and he used it within 24 hours. (v. good sign) We talked for a full hour; about everything and anything. He sounds like a winner: he works with kids in an after school program, spent time in culinary school, has a charming southern accent, and has read Twilight for crying out loud (and before you cock that eyebrow Grayer, let me just point out that he works with 6th graders, and as someone who has recently worked with 6th graders, there isn't much else that 6th graders talk about. The curiousity will eventually get to you.) We even discovered we were at the same concert two years ago, which really goes to show you, you can meet people just about anywhere. You just usually don't.
That was Monday. By Friday, I still hadn't heard anything more from him. So I turned to one of my best guy friends, Baltimore Dan, for advice. I laid out the situation, and when I was finished, he said:
BD: Girls are allowed to call too, in my book.
Vi: But all the books I've read said not to call.
BD: Yeah, the thing is, guys don't read those books.
Vi: (laughs out loud, slaps self on forehead, has Peter on the road to Damascus type epiphany) Huh. So, if a girl called you on a Friday afternoon to ask how your week was, you wouldn't think that was pathetic?
BD: Absolutely not.
Baltimore Dan then went on to point out that every guy is different, and the dating books aren't necessarily universal. Then he told me to throw them away. The thing is, it makes perfect sense to me to call 50/50. He calls, I call, he calls, I call. But I felt like I was reading differently. Maybe I was reading wrong? But Baltimore Dan made it sound so simple. "So call him, leave him a message if you have to, and if he doesn't call back, that's that." He did, however, caution me to only call once, but he needn't worry about me.
So I did. And Halpert actually answered the phone. He was on his way to teach the Future of America, but we chatted for a bit until he got there. Then he asked if I would be around to chat some more later this evening (I have plans) and told me he would call back tomorrow. So, I guess if he doesn't, that's that. Thank you, Baltimore Dan.
1 comment:
Yay for Baltimore Dan...I think he should become an unconscious contributor...wait that doesn't sound right...meaning that he contributes without his knowledge...wait that still sounds bad...like we are violating him in some way...
I give up on this one...I think I need sleep...
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